January 08, 2010

What's in a name?

Swiftly into mid January we go......
What's in a name? Well the story behind my blog title is the confusion I encounter on a daily basis with my own second name. Obviously Hazel is easy, a nut, sludgy brown colour fairly uncommon but easy to spell. However, my family name, Rethman is not so easy. Wherever I go; in stores, on the telephone etc. no longer can I say "It's spelt the same as Rothman, but with an 'e'. The company name Rothman is not a household name it would seem (do you remember the tobacco company?) Instead it seems to create an even more puzzled reaction, hence I now automatically begin by responding in a slow steady voice; R-E-T-H-M-A-N. The many different variations of our name on the mail we receive is hilarious and actually quite creative sometimes. I am sure I'm not alone on this subject. I have a few friends who also have names with a difference. Wouldn't life be simple if we were all just Smith or Jones (lol) Jones being my family name prior to being married!
On the same topic, a few weeks ago when Jemma introduced her boyfriend to us as Brian, she went on to explain that it isn't actually his real Korean name, but the Canadian name he is known as, having lived here for over 10 years. Along with Brian aka Tae Hyung came his little dog Romeo, aka Bpapi (not even sure if that's how you spell it as it is pronounced differently) Yes it's his Korean Canine name!! No wonder our little furry friend was a tad confused during his short stay with us. Not only was he expected to answer to another name, but we couldn't speak to him in Korean, the language he is used to. Perhaps that would explain the extreme hyperactivity and little accidents. If only I could have told him "no, that's a table leg, not a tree!" Actually it wasn't all his fault, what's a dog to do when there is 3 ft of snow outside and your only a foot tall!
This week I am so excited to be starting down a new path in my life. I have signed up for an Interior Decorating course with ICS (International Career School) Canada!!! Anyone who knows me will be aware that I love decorating, painting, arranging furniture etc. I am hoping that this online correspondence course will expand my knowledge and teach me new skills while introducing me to different styles, terms etc. At the moment I'm not exactly sure how I am going to put them to use. Whether it's just for our own home or hopefully to one day have clients to work for, time will tell. I am awaiting my first package in the mail that will get me started this month. I shall be blogging here to tell you how things are going if you are interested.
Hazel x
I don't have any relevant photos this week, but will add some later if I can find a couple :)


  1. Great idea to do the course - I imagine it will be just up your street. You will be the *star* pupil !

  2. I see you are steaming into 2010 - Good on you. I got a new camera as a gift so I will be starting a little photo shop course in the future, you see I add no date. Well done on your course - you are going to love it.
    Really how can you complain about your last name - HELLO - from Jones to Gavagnin. People often ask what planet am I from. LOL


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