November 24, 2008

Any sign of Mr Tumnus?

This weekend we woke up to a land resembling Narnia! It would appear that Winter has arrived a little early for us here in the Maritimes. Icicles on the roof. Driving home from work in blizzard conditions on Thursday I was very glad to have had my snow tires fitted in time. Everything came to a standstill as the snow had drifted into such deep dunes by Saturday morning that we couldn't get out of our driveway to go anywhere.
Having been very excited about my appointment with the hairdresser on my day off, it didn't look likely that I would make the 9am slot! Sure enough, I phoned to discover that I wasn't the only one trapped by a giant snow drift. Most stores and shopping malls were only going to be open by lunchtime at the earliest.
Well this did mean that we had no choice but to remain indoors keeping cosy by the wood fire. Actually that is not not entirely true. Amber had an invite to her friends house for a sleepover and as we had 'promised' she could go I volunteered to do the driving (kind or mad - I'm not sure). A local farmer showed up by lunchtime and ploughed the driveway so we could at least get the car out on to the road.
It took a little longer than usual, cautiously driving through 'mashed potato' type snow is interesting, guessing where the road, ditch, fences etc merged with my nose practically pressed against the windscreen! Needless to say I managed to get Amber delivered to her friend's door and make the trip back safely, with only a couple of dodgy manoeuvres along the way. Some of the roads had been ploughed, but on one side only, not that I encountered many fellow drivers crazy enough to be on the road! There were however plenty of cheery folk out shovelling and blowing snow, all sporting rosy cheeks and cute bobble hats! - keep in mind that this is early in the winter season and still somewhat of a novelty. Grinning doesn't come as spontaneously as the weeks of snow go by, unless they are frozen ones :D
This afternoon the sun is shining and the girls are home from school and already wearing their snowsuits and giggling as I write. Archie on the other hand is quite perplexed by the whole snow deal and would like some answers please.

Archie gazing out of the window, looking a little puzzled
Hazel xx


  1. Oh my goodness doesn't that look beautiful. But as you say the excitement wears off after a while. Changes of season are always fun at the beginning and then you long for the next one to come. Still wish we could have a white Christmas here!
    Will email you in a day or two.

  2. We've never experienced BIG snow, and yes it does look the moment! Brave Mama, driving Amber to her friends house. Yep kinda mad too,(especially with your hair in a mess lol).
    Glad you made it there & back without incident. So we expect you drove in your own tyre tracks coming back?!

    Poor confused little Archie, just love the mutual adoration photo! Hope he got the biscuits :)

    Much love, keep warm, happy & safe
    T & G
    xx xx

  3. I could'nt read your blog in the last few months and look what I've missed since then.

    Wow, snow seems amazing.It's not snowing yet in Istanbul.I think we gotta wait for a month to have a white and cautious city.

    The little animals you are sewing inspired me and I began to crochet my animals. I'm pregnant for a boy,19 weeks:) and he has now a tortoise, a hippo and an elephant -my produce-. In fact, crocheting is quite a relaxation after stressful job hours.
    Thanks for inspiration.

    Love xxx

  4. you're surrounded by snow and here in Argentina we have spent all week with a 40 º c heat, greetings! Beautiful photos


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