May 25, 2009

The sky is blue ...

...the sun has riz, I wonder where the birdies iz?
Here is the little film clip I took last year of our own little birdies. I couldn't remember how to add the music, so it's accompanied by the sound of the wind and some chirping instead (please feel free to turn down the volume if it becomes irritating!)

I love this time of year, everything is looking so springlike and fresh, while the hummingbirds are quenching their thirst on the sugar water, the blossoms are out and looking exceptionally pretty having opened up 10 days earlier than usual. Amber took a walk and snapped a few pics for this post.I am on the hunt for a couple of hanging baskets full of blue lobelia this week (as seen above), they have become a standard summertime fixture that works well and gives the hummingbirds a little nectar variety, which they seem to enjoy.Archie, such a typical puddy-tat took full advantage of a sunny spot on the front veranda this morning. I have decided to reduce my working hours at Wheaton's to just a couple of days a week for a while. This will give me the opportunity to keep busy at home through the summer, which I am relishing, especially being able to spend more time with the girls again when they come home from school and during the school holidays. A young student has taken on some of my shifts and is happy to get the hours in before going back to college in September.
Back on the familiar tractor mower it felt quite rewarding as I eradicated all the bright yellow dandelion heads that had shot up, neatly mulching them row by row. It didn't however take very long for the black flies to find me. Even wearing long sleeves and protective netting over my peeked cap they managed to find their way inside and give me no less than 8 little itchy bites on my first mowing session!! I have tried everything in the past from regular bug spray, to a diluted spray of Listerine mouthwash! The latter just gave me icky sticky fresh minty hair! This week I am going to try a new product called
No-Bite-Me , a soap, which is a popular seller at work. I shall report on the outcome next week. The black fly frenzy should die down a little in a week or two as the weather gets warmer.
I also wanted to share this lovely blog with you, Daisy Pink Cupcake
I was thrilled and honoured to have some of my own home photos featured on one of her colourful posts a few weeks ago. Every week she manages to find some wonderfully diverse eye candy, which I enjoy browsing through when I have the time.
With Jemma's AP calculus exam out of the way, her thoughts have turned to the fast approaching graduation prom dance. She has decided to design and sew her own dress. I admire her determination and work ethic and look forward to seeing what she comes up with. Even Amber was spotted on the sewing machine recently, completing a home economics assignment, recycling a discarded top and turning it into a cute little bag.

Happy thoughts and wishes :)
Hazel x

May 10, 2009


Today is Mother's Day here in Canada and also where my Mum lives in South Africa. I'm not sure why but it's a couple of months earlier in the UK . I feel quite special today and perhaps slightly more deserving this year than previous years, because I'm feeling a bit 'fragile' right now.
Yesterday I took a 'tumble' at work whilst sorting out shelves in the back stock room. I missed my step coming down a ladder, lost my balance and stumbled backwards into an unsuspecting piece of very hard wooden furniture, which I involuntarily whacked with the back of my head!!! Getting back on my feet pretty sharpish, hoping nobody would come rushing over wondering what on earth all the racket was, I carried on as normal. About 10 minutes later the stock room took on a sort of surreal appearance just as my boss called me to the front of the store on the intercom. Walking through the rooms they all looked a little unfamiliar. Needless to say after the staff and customers took one look at my pasty white face and saw the growing egg on my head I was promptly whisked off to the emergency dept. at the local hospital. Bumped (excuse the pun) up the waiting list due to the growing 'egg' and my oddly uneven pupils I was quickly assessed and seemed luckily to have only sustained a concussion. Jemma stayed with me the whole time and Craig was given instructions to monitor me closely for the next 72 hours and wake me up every 2 hours during the night to make sure I knew who I was and could speak coherently (does anyone at 3am?)
I woke up this morning to a lovely cup of tea in bed and the biggest hangover ever! A couple of Tylenol tablets seem to have both the headache and whole pummelled-body feeling under control, for now at least. I think I am over the worst and am getting back to normal again.
My girls have been so sweet today, helping with housework and giving me extra hugs and kisses. Snuggled up on the sofa this afternoon we watched the romantic comedy 'Ghost Town' a very funny movie that had us all in stitches and tears. I love Ricky Gervais's sense of humour.
I spotted this new little visitor outside after the movie, well camouflaged amongst next winter's wood supply. (middle top) He was such a brave little chap coming right up to the back door, sniffing around he even stood on his hind legs and turned around to say "hello". Mr Groundhog, Woodchuck or Gopher
The hummingbirds have also returned, right on cue, they arrive every year after a long and tiring flight, around the 10th May. I haven't managed to capture one on camera yet, but the girls saw them yesterday feeding hungrily on the sugar water outside the kitchen window.
The leaves are almost out on all the trees this week and summer is not too far away :)
Hazel xx