Right now I feel like I am in a scene from the book, The lion, the witch and the wardrobe, as yet another lot of snow has decided to fall, encasing our home in a winter wonderland rather reminiscent of Narnia. This winter has been particularly brutal with wind chill temperatures dropping to minus 26 degrees at times.
We are grateful to be living in a warmer home, although, we have to laugh thinking back to the summertime when Craig quite confidently announced on moving in that we were not likely to get more than a few cm's of snow being tucked away in the forest and so close to the sea and the city. He even went as far as to say that we would probably only use the old wood stove in the basement a hand full of times. I quickly advertised and sold the pile of wood in our back yard in October to make space for the anticipated veggie garden in the spring. Not, as I should have done anticipating the first heavy snowfall in November!!
Happily there are plenty of people out there planning their Spring and Summer weddings in the US and Europe and of course it is wedding time of year in Australia which is where several cake topper birds are heading these days.
I found a lovely supplier for my felt last year. Laura at Fiddlestix Designs in the US has been providing all the felt for my cake toppers and mobiles. Sadly she has decided to stop selling felt so I shall be looking elsewhere for a new supplier of the lovely soft merino wool blend felt. For some reason it can't be found here in Canada. I will miss Laura's friendly and professional help, especially when replying to my endless questions while I procrastinated over which colours to order! Something only a designer would understand.
Some of my customers have been kind enough to send me photos from their wedding day, with the little birds perched on their beautiful cakes! Here are a few for you to see....
From classic white

To vintage or shabby chic weddings...
Rustic country weddings and even woodland weddings. Such a variety of wedding styles and all so pretty.
I hope you like them :)